Yard Sale Registration

Register with The Big Bethlehem Yard Sale and put your yard sale on the map! Pledge your first $20 (or more) of sales to your favorite non-profit on our list and ‘Clear Your Clutter for a Good Cause’ on May 3, 2025.


When you register, your yard sale will be included on the Big Bethlehem Yard Sale Map and you promise to donate $20 (or more) of your sales to your favorite non-profit. Please be as generous as you can!

We’ll also send you our free yard sale tips & an invitation to the Seller’s Happy Hour where you’ll enjoy refreshment with other sellers and will get your yard sign plus free gifts from our sponsors.

To register it costs a $10 donation to our featured non-profit - The Bethlehem Community Fund. This 501(c) non-profit is ‘Neighbors helping neighbors’ fill the gap left by social services to support vulnerable members of our community - children, seniors and families in need.

Registration Form

The $10 registration fee paid today is a donation to The Bethlehem Community Fund. After the sale you will need to send your $20 (or more) donation to the non-profit you select below. Thank you for your generosity!

Stay tuned for 2025 registrations!

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